Publishing as Process: A Workshop for ARHU Graduate Students

Publishing as Process: A Workshop for ARHU Graduate Students
*This event is open to graduate students only.
Led by Dr. Tarryn Chun
Assistant Professor, Department of Film, Television and Theatre, University of Notre Dame
Online Editor, Theatre Journal
This workshop will introduce graduate students in the arts and humanities to the practicalities of academic publishing, with emphasis on how to publish during the dissertation-writing process. The first part of the workshop will include an overview of different academic publication genres and strategies for selecting appropriate outlets for specific research projects. The second part of the session will focus on how to tailor short-form pieces for edited collections and online platforms. Participants are invited to submit a 1000-2000 word essay draft in advance of the workshop; select essays will be workshopped during the session, but all pre-submitted pieces will receive feedback from Dr. Chun.
Advance registration required. For feedback, essay drafts must be submitted by March 1, 2024.
Tarryn Li-Min Chun is Assistant Professor in the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame. Her research focuses on intersections of performance, technology, and media in modern and contemporary Sinophone theatre. She is author of Revolutionary Stagecraft: Theater, Technology, and Politics in Modern China (University of Michigan Press, forthcoming June 2024) and co-editor with Xiaomei Chen and Siyuan Liu of Rethinking Socialist Theaters of Reform: Performance Practice and Debate in the Mao Era (University of Michigan Press, 2022). Her work has appeared in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Theatre Journal, Theatre Survey, TDR, and Asian Theatre Journal, and several edited volumes. Dr. Chun is co-recipient of the ATHE Excellence in Editing Award (2022) and currently serves as Online Editor for Theatre Journal.
This event is part of Techno-Futures: Collaborations in Performance, Technology, and Creative Scholarship Symposium.