Theatre & Authority | A Mini-Conference

Theatre & Authority | A Mini-Conference
Lunch 12:30 RSVP
Mini-Conference 2-5pm
Derek Goldman is Artistic and Executive Director of The Laboratory for Global Performance & Politics (The Lab) at Georgetown University, which he co-founded in 2012 with a mission “to humanize global politics through performance.” He is Professor of Theater and Performance Studies and in the School of Foreign Service as Professor of Global Performance, Culture and Politics, and he is an award-winning international stage director, playwright, scholar, educator, and producer.
Marjan Moosavi is a Roshan-endowed lecturer in Persian Studies and Middle Eastern performing arts at the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and an affiliate faculty at the School of Theatre at the University of Maryland. Her current book focuses on dissident theatre and dramaturgy in contemporary Iran.
János Szász is a Hungarian theatre director, screenwriter and film director. Among his internationally acclaimed films are The Notebook (A nagy füzet, 2013) and The Witman Boys (Witman fiúk, 1997).
Susanna Weygandt is Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian at Sewanee University, specializing in performance theories indigenous to Russia and East Europe. Her book, From Metaphor to Direct Speech: Performance Theory and Drama in Contemporary Russia, is forthcoming from University of Wisconsin Press. She is currently a scholar at the Kennan Institute/Wilson Center in Washington, DC.
Maya Brin Artist-in-Residence Mikhail Durnenkov is one of the founders of the New Drama playwriting and directing movement in Russia and the author of several dozen plays and screenplays, which have been produced by the most prestigious Russian theater companies. He participated in the legendary Teatr.doc theater company in Moscow, and served for many years as the Artistic Director of the Liubimovka Festival, a leading independent forum of new Russian-language playwriting, and as Head of the Jury for Playwriting at the Golden Mask Awards. He has taught at the Moscow Art Theatre School and the Russian University for the Humanities. After openly denouncing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he and his wife, renounced theater-maker and scenographer Ksenya Peretroukhina, had to leave the country. They currently live and work in Finland.
Misha Kachman is Professor of Scenic and Costume Design and Head of the MFA in Design at the University of Maryland. He is an American set, costume, and production designer, as well as a painter and a printmaker.