Explore Grant Projects
Take a look through past projects funded by IPCCR.
Below is an overview sharing a number of the countries and institutions where University of Maryland faculty and students have been funded to collaborate in order to pursue their IPCCR research endeavors.
Take a look through faculty projects, graduate student projects and our big opportunity projects.
Countries and Institutions our students and faculty collaborated with:
- Argentina
- Australia
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- China
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Czech Republic
- United Kingdom
- France
- Finland
- Germany
- Ghana
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- New Zealand
- Pamunkey Nation
- Poland
- Russia
- Serbia
- South Africa
- Accademia dell Arte (Italy)
- Anjali Dance Company (UK)
- Auckland Technical Institute (New Zealand)
- Berlinische Galerie (Germany)
- British Library (UK)
- Bulgaria National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts (Bulgaria)
- Centria University of Applied Arts (Finland)
- Ecole Supérieure des Arts de la Marionnette (France)
- Edinburgh Fringe Festival (UK)
- Escola de Musica (Brazil)
- Freie Universität (Germany)
- Galway International Arts Festival (Ireland)
- Hagley Theatre Company (New Zealand)
- Indonesia Institute of the Arts (Indonesia)
- Kooemba Indigenous Performing Arts (Australia)
- lnstitut International de la Marionnette (France)
- Mikkeli Community College (Finland)
- Moogahlin Performing Arts (Australia)
- Moscow Arts Theatre School (Russia)
- National Dance Company of Ghana (Ghana(
- New Athenaeum Theatre (New Zealand)
- Nindethana Aboriginal Theatre Company (Australia)
- Prague Fringe Festival (Czech Republic)
- Prague Quadrennial (Czech Republic)
- PuppetCinema (Israel)
- Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (UK)
- Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (UK)
- Spoonful Festival (UK)
- Stopgap Dance Company (UK)
- Tel Aviv University (Israel)
- The Historical School of Dress (UK)
- The National Institute of Dramatic Art (Australia)
- The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
- The University of Toronto (Canada)
- Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- University of Cape Town (South Africa)
- University of Essex (UK)
- University of Ghana School of Performing Arts (Ghana)
- University of Guantanamo (Cuba)
- University of the Arts (Helsinki)
- Victoria & Albert Museum (UK)
- Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
Big Opportunity Projects
Techno-Futures Symposium
Techno-Futures: Collaborations in Performance, Technology, and Creative Scholarship is a symposium that will be held at the University of Maryland on March 7–9, 2024 featuring film screenings, artist talks and research presentations investigating the intersections of new technologies and performance in East Asia and Asian diasporas.
Learn More about the Techno-Futures Symposium
Collaboration Through Puppetry in the 21st Century
Collaboration Through Puppetry in the 21st Century was a festival held on April 8 and 9, 2023 and explored how puppetry is a mind expander, a sparker of creativity, a barrier destroyer and a bridge builder.
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The Triumph of Isabella
"The Triumph of Isabella: An Exploration of Performance Through Art and Art Through Performance" was an international collaboration that digitally reunited paintings depicting a performance event that occurred in Brussels in 1615. Between 2018 and 2019, the digital versions of these paintings were displayed and contextualized in a year-long exhibit at the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library and brought to life in three performances at The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center.
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